Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Skills & Employability Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Business Skills & Employability - Case Study Example The company has been effective in the market as a complete company with diversified products leading to positive rating in the FTSE market. Sainsbury offers online platform for the sale of the various product and services. Its clothing brand is the seventh largest in the TU clothing sector with over 3000 products sold in its stores country wide and internationally (Daugherty, et al., 2009, p. 69). SWOT analysis involves the evaluation of the performance of the company in relation to the prevailing market. The analysis of the strength, opportunities, weakness and threats of the organization will help the manager to establish the position of the company. The understanding of the position of the company ensures that the marketing and communication strategy is developed to improve the performance of the business. For instance, if the competitors have ventured on the elderly population, the company may resort to developing products for the youths thus increasing organization performance. SWOT analysis of the company reveals strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the current and future status of the company (Crawford, 2000, p. 53). For Sainsbury, it is vital to understand the weakness of the business and develop strategies to counter the weaknesses and threats associated with the company. ... it is successful because of the strengths associated with is as a brand which are diverse because of the diverse nature of the company. It has diversified its operation to cover various sectors of the business environment. The strengths of the company are as follows; Diversified investments The company has diversified its operations of the individual business units that are not related. The diversification of the business platform ensures reduced risks. In case of business unit failure, the different sector can support the other area. However, diversification alone cannot minimize risks and thus must be conducted carefully (Hollensen, 2007, p. 56). Over diversification leads to increased capital expenditure leading losses. The organization approach has ensured they invest in areas with the potential of success. The diversification approach has facilitated the development of the different units of the business organization. IT infrastructure The company uses the online platform simila r to the, but the focus of the organization is on sports and other sports related accessory. The competitive edge offered by the company includes offering variety in the sports sector, direct linkage with the manufacturing companies thereby developing brand loyalty (Preston, 2012, p. 12). The reduced focus for specific sport equipment and regime makes the company unique giving it an edge over the all-purpose online services offered by Amazon and other platforms. However, the challenge is on developing a market niche and retention of customers. The major competitive factors in the whole process are dependent on the situation analysis of the organization. The current situation indicates brand visibility, loyalty,

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