Monday, August 12, 2019

War on Drugs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

War on Drugs - Research Paper Example This reduction in drug users was attributable to the fact that these drugs became more difficult to obtain. There are a few entities that advocate the legalization of drugs, with regard to drug users who do not harm others under the influence of intoxicating substances. Thus, the Global Commission on Drug Policy advocated the de – criminalization of drug use. It was their considered opinion that the various nations of the world should enact legislation that would legalize drug use. Such measures were expected to end the stigmatization, marginalization and criminalization of people using drugs, but not causing harm to others. This perspective towards drug use has found favor with several US drug advocacy groups. Moreover, those who oppose the legalization of drugs contend that legalization would increase the availability of drugs, which would considerably escalate crime and violence. On the other hand the proponents of drug legalization argue that the war on drugs has ended in a fiasco. Such legalization would transform what is now a law and order problem into a health problem (Price). As such, it is the considered opinion of the opponents of legalization of drugs that drug legalization would result in an increase in the number of drug users. On the other hand, once drugs are legalized, the government could raise huge amounts as revenue, via the taxation of drugs. Such amounts could be utilized for treating drug addiction. In addition, the vast sums, of the order of $41. 3billion per annum, spent on drug enforcement would be available to the government for other useful expenditure. This would be supplemented by the $46.7 billion that would be realized as taxes on drugs (Price). (Price). Thus, the legalization of drugs seems to be a worthwhile alternative. The US and several other nations have formulated drug policy on the premise that arrests prevent crime. Thus, it is believed in these countries that punishment and the resultant stigmatization would deter criminal behavior. There is some truth behind this belief, for instance, the arrest and imprisonment of infected drug users would reduce the risk of disease to drug users from injection – related infections. In addition, to incarceration of the infected drug users, the fear of arrest would bring down the number of drug users (Friedman, Pouget and Chatterjee 344). This would significantly reduce drug use and the consequent infection. Question Two The US has been beset with the problem of drug addiction from decades. The present administration has failed to comprehend the drug issue in all its ramifications. The assumption that the legalization of drugs would lead to unbridled drug use is indisputabl e. The international drug cartels would find way and means to find a niche in the US market, even if drugs were to be legalized (Smith). Moreover, crime related to drugs would not be eliminated, as the drug addicts would indulge in criminal behavior, due to drug induced defective judgment and instability. In Oakland and New York, a mere tenth of the heroin and cocaine addicts obtain treatment for their condition. Such individuals have to wait for a minimum of 6 months to receive treatment (Smith). In addition, crime related to

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