Sunday, September 8, 2019

Organization changestrategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Organization changestrategy - Essay Example Some of the employees are even fearing for their jobs if they complain about the work environment. Employees are also concerned that management is not adhering to company policies, yet forcing the employees to follow company policies. Employees feel resentment over this . Because of the overwhelming production schedule, Frontline Supervisors are not training employees properly and they leave a lot of the decision- make up to the hourly employees. Some of the employees are voicing concerns that because of the lack of communication, professional development and leadership from management, they are concerned for their personal safety. However it comes to the attention that Frontline Supervisors are not happy, either. Their concerns are that no one from upper management will back them up when it comes to making technical or managerial decisions. Here the only solution to the problem that we can see is that there is no communication among the employers and the employees. There needs to be a communication between the employers and the employees so that the problems are solved and sorted out. In the case study we see that there are many issues among the employees that they are afraid to discuss with the higher authorities having the fear in there minds that they will get fired consequently. Here the authorities also seem to be in trouble. ... Decision making as a process is recognized all over the world for its importance. It is the process which is the result of thinking processes that go on which in the need leads to the final action implemented as the result of the thinking process. Every decision-making process always ends in a final selection. The output can be an action or a judgment of choice. In this case the upper authorities need to define and clarify the issue and need to see if they deserve any action or any implementation. If the implementation is needed than when is it needed. It deals with the urgency or not. By the upper management all the facts should be gathered and understand their causes. The higher authorities should be thinking about the options and solutions. The pros and cons of each option should be properly considered (Ullman, 2006, p.23). Proper consultation should be done in the case where it is necessary. After all the consultation process the best option should be selected. Any possible vagueness should be or 'foot in both camps' compromise. The authorities should make there employees aware of the decision that has been made as they are the stakeholders and they are the ones who ill be affected by the decision in the end. In any company the stakeholders are those who are the ones directly effected by the decisions that the authorities make so they are the ones who need to know the decisions that have been implemented in nay case that have been made by the authorities. In this case study we see that there is no communication between the employers and the employees which is basically leading to many problems ands confusions in the lower

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