Thursday, October 31, 2019

Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Operations Management - Assignment Example On the other hand, experimenting with the real world has not only proven to be expensive but is also dangerous and in most cases impossible. The Dry cleaning case study highlights one of the current issues and challenges affecting operations management in most industries. In the case study, the dry cleaner processes two pieces of suites by allowing suites to arrive with exponential time between the arrival times having a mean of G minutes and are at first served by server 1. After the completion of service at server 1, the jacket (one piece of the suite) is expected to go server 2 while the other parts (pants) goes to server 3. However, during the service at sever 2; the probability of the jacket being damaged is 0.05 while at the same time the probability of the pant being damaged at server 3 is 0.10. From server 2, the jackets enter into a queue for server 4 where suit parts are matched and reassembled. Management of waiting lines is a common challenge in operations management. As evidenced in the above case study, service systems normally face a number of problems such long queues of waiting lines due to the complexity and high levels of heterogeneity in the operations management processes (Barnes, 2008). ... rena Modeling in Service Systems Spreadsheet and Arena modeling programs are some of the simulation tools and techniques that are commonly being used to help solve the queuing problems in the contemporary services systems. In operations management, queue systems are not usually possible to analyze using mathematical or analytical formulas. Consequently simulation is currently one of the widely used means of analysis by most operation managers. With regard to the queue problem highlighted in the case study, both the two software tools can effectively be used as viable alternative techniques to experiment and find solutions to the issues affecting the service systems through abstraction. Generally, spreadsheet is currently one of the most accessible modeling tools that can be used for a wide range of applications and problem solutions in operations management. For example, the simulation modeling using spreadsheet can help explore the problems of long waiting lines and queues associate d with the dynamic service systems. In spreadsheet based simulation modeling, the technology used simply involves entering the model inputs into cells and viewing the output in other cells (Winston and Albright, 2007, p.124). In this regard, the input values are linked to the output values through chains of formulas and even scripts. Compared to Arena modeling, both some of the potential advantages of spreadsheet modeling include the fact that it is virtually available on any office computer and is normally very easy to use. Additionally, spreadsheet simulation modeling is relatively extensible particularly when using spreadsheet simulation modeling to solve the queue problem in service systems such as the one highlighted in the above dry cleaning case study. For example, one can easily add

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Should Laws Governing Nursing Homes Be Changed Essay

Should Laws Governing Nursing Homes Be Changed - Essay Example It leads to abandonment of duties, and possible casualties are patients in need of special care 24 hours. Getting an all-round care should be the heart and center of nursing homes (Brickley, Lu & Wedig, n.d.). Changing the law is known to affect normal operation hence curtailing the norm. Freedom is a right in the bill of rights and as such should not have borders. Care facilities should be directed by government to ensure people using the facility access. The structure that changes due to the enactment of laws will drive uneasiness in the state of being of the care seekers. The outfit robs patients of the calm, which fosters the healing process (Connell, 2004). To conclude, nursing homes are imperative facilities within society. Laws governing the operation some of the times may hinder operation when changes are effected. With respect to rejection of the new law and discomfort felt by the care seekers, changing laws need cautious approach. The right approach to changing and implementing laws will be to involve all the stakeholders in the nursing facility. Brown, L., Hyer, K., & Polivka-West, L. (2007). A comparative study of laws, rules, codes and other influences on nursing homes disaster preparedness in the Gulf Coast states. Behav. Sci. Law, 25(5), 655-675.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Tourism Sector In Albania

The Tourism Sector In Albania Albania is a parliamentary republic, where the legislative power belongs to the Albanias Assembly and the head of the state is the President who is elected by the Assembly for a five year mandate with the right to be re-elected. The Council of Ministers is the highest executive and commanding organ which is directed by Prime Minister. According to Census 2011 preliminary results Albania has a population of 2,831,741 inhabitants in a surface of 28,748 sq km. Albania is located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. The country has a 750 km borderline with Montenegro to the North, Kosovo to the Northeast, Macedonia to the East, Greece to the South and Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea (Italy) to the West. Albania has Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by hot summers and mild winters with abundant rainfalls. The period from June to September is hot, while from October to May is cool and wet. The average annual temperature varies from + 15oC in the north to + 16.5oC in the south. The hottest month is July with an average temperature of + 25oC and the coldest month is January with an average of +6oC, although the record temperature has been -34oC. For almost 45 years the communist regime, which was installed in Albania after the Second World War, left the country aside the rest of the world being part of the communist bloc of the Eastern Europe. The communist regime of Tirana even went further by isolating Albanian people totally and brought the country to collapse. With the fall of communist regimes of the Eastern Europe, Albania was the last one to join the free world. A democratic system was setup in power in 1992. Due to governments commitment to a free market economy, the country undertook a programme of reforms and made great efforts to recover from the fall of communist regime. However, the collapse of the fraudulent pyramid schemes in 1997 and the instability that followed were a tremendous setback for Albania. But the country did pursuit its way toward its dream, to be part of the European community. Till there country has made a great progress. Two big achievements are accomplished, in June 2006, the Albanian Governm ent signed a Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union (EU), the first step in the EU accession process and three years later, in April 2009, Albania became a NATO member country. Now country is looking to accessing negotiations to be an EU member country. A range of reforms are progressing markedly over the last decade to Albanias economy and administration such as reforms in infrastructure development, tax collection, property law, business administration, judiciary system. The country was largely spared from the severe fallout of the 2008-2009 financial crisis since its economy is not heavily integrated into the Euro-Atlantic system. Economic progress of the country has slowed but remained positive, in each year from 2009 to 2011. The governments main task is to maintain positive economic growth while preserving macroeconomic stability. Major challenges are the difficult fiscal and budgetary environment and the crises in the Eurozone, especially in neighboring Greece and Italy (major trading partners of Albania with a large presence in the banking sector and also host to roughly one million Albanian emigrants). In 2011, GDP was estimated to have reached close to $13 billion. Major contributors to GDP according to 2010 preliminary data were: service sector with 57.6% including trade, hotels, and restaurants (20.9%), transport (6.3%), communication (3.4%), and other services 27%; agriculture 20.3%; industry 11.3%; and construction 10.7%. In 2011 unemployment officially stood at 13.3%. Half of the workforce is considered self-employed in the agriculture sector. GDP per capita in 2011 is estimated to have reached $4,560. Although GDP per capita has steadily increased over the years, the country still ranks as one of the poorest countries in Europe according to major income indicators. Albania has put in place a liberal foreign investment regime, and the government is working to improve the business climate through fiscal and legislative reforms and infrastructure improvements. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased significantly over the last few years and in 2010 reached $1.1 billion, up from $262 million in 2005. Since 2005, the Government of Albania has invested more than $2 billion in the countrys main road corridors, and it has pledged to continue investing heavily in improving transportation infrastructure. Electricity supply has also improved due to investments in new transmission lines and new generation sources as well as the privatization of the distribution system, which is gradually increasing efficiency. The EU remains Albanias main trading partner, providing 64.1% of Albanias imports and receiving 72.5% of exports as of December 2011. Trade with Italy and Greece continues to represent the largest share of EU trade, with a combined 41.1% of imports and 58.3% of exports in 2011. Other major trading partners include Turkey, China, and Germany. The impact of CEFTA in Albanias trade with member countries has been small. 2.1.2 Tourism in Albania The Potentials for Tourism Development in Albania Albania is a small country but a beautiful and fascinating country with substantial tourism development potential. Albania has an attractive coastline and a rich cultural and natural heritage. As Tourism Strategy on Culture and Environment  [1]  has highlighted, country has a wide range of historic, cultural and natural attractions that are of great interest to international tourists. The same assessment is made to the countrys very rich culture and heritage by Culture Marketing Strategy  [2]  document, too, stressing that Albania has a very rich, distractive, and authentic culture and heritage from the Greco-Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and other historic periods up to the modern day. This assessment is mentioned also to verbatim comments from interviews with western tour operators and travel writers  [3]  , where one of them have citied that Albania is an archaeological site from tip to toe, going back to Illyrian settlements, Greek colonies, Roman occupation, not to ment ion the invasions from Goths, Bulgars, Byzantines, Crusaders of the Holy Roman Empire and Ottomans who all but stopped time in tracks. Evidence of these civilizations are everywhere in Albania, and its time to let the world see the great and wondrous sitesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦... Albania has 3 World Heritage Sites Butrint, Gjirokaster and Berat. Beaches are long and sandy with hot sunny summers with about 250 sunny days. The mountain areas offer opportunities for niche tourism activities like hiking, biking, canoeing etc. Plenty of National Parks and other natural reserves offer ecological experiences. Country offers beautiful and diverse landscapes and abundant and varied flora and fauna. Current tourism markets Since the late 1990s, after the 97 instability in the country and 99 war in Kosovo, tourism activities are increasing. As figures  [4]  show there is a considerable increasing number of international visitors after the year 2000, due to the improvement of regional and inner country political climate and enhance of the security in the country. A big impact to the increase of the flux of tourists from Kosovo has show the new highway linking Albania with Kosovo. Even this increasing numbers are impressive, the tourism sector in Albania cannot be regarded as being well developed. Infrastructure has been till late a major limitation. The government in power has evaluated the development of infrastructure as very important and is investing heavily in improvements  [5]  . Data from the table below shows that: Total foreign visitor traffic increased by 18.4% in 2010 compared to 2009 to 3,612,000 visits. Taking into consideration the crisis time this is an excellent performance for Albanian tourism. 33% were non-resident Albanians and 66.1% were foreign staying visitors in 2010. Much of the increase came from Kosovo. This is evident to see the impact that the new highway with brought to Albanian tourism, a clear indicator of strong growth created by improvements in infrastructure. According to MoTCYS data, for the year 2011 a total of some four million visitors entered in Albania. They included 2,734,000 foreign tourists and 1,267,000 non-resident Albanian nationality visitors. The figures demonstrate that the biggest increase of foreign tourists in 2010 was coming from Kosovo with 48.79% followed by Macedonia with 11.43% compared to 2009. The foreign tourists from western countries havent made such a big progress. Also, as can be seen, the number of non-resident Albanians has been increasing in 2008 and 2009, while in 2010 the figure has faced a decrease. From the table below can be seen the increasing number of visitors in July and August. Such a phenomenon is shaping drastically the seasonality of tourism in Albania. In 2010 the number of tourist that visited Albania in these two months was 55.44% compared to the number of all visitors. Also, another problem related to these figures is the high dependency in Balkan region tourist flow. This demonstrates that the tourists in July-August are coming only for sea and sand and populating only the coastal areas. Strategic directions for tourism at national level According to National Strategy for Tourism Development in Albania 2002 2012, developed with the assistance of GTZ, the main tourism products for Albanian tourism are defined sun and sea, business and special interest tourism  [6]  . While the Strategy and Action Plan for the Development of the Albanian Tourism Sector Based on Cultural and Environmental Tourism was developed within the directions and structure established by the 2002 Tourism Development Strategy 2002-2012 for Albania. This document provides a new orientation for the government to position Albania as an attractive destination for tourists seeking a unique experience which encourage them to discover Albanias culture and nature. Discovery of Albania is a presentation of a broad cross-section of Albanias history, nature, archaeology, living culture, cuisine and hospitality. The graphic below presents a simple schematic. Core and Specialised Tourism Products Source: Strategy for the Development of the Albanian Tourism Sector Based on Cultural and Environmental Tourism. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, UNDP December 2005 According to strategy document, Albanias core (primary) tourism product must be a general one that encourages visitors to discover the many facets of Albanias culture and nature. Albanias central product will be the discovery of Albania. The product is a presentation of a broad cross-section of Albanias history, nature, archaeology living culture, cuisine and hospitality. Visitors participating in this discovery will leave with a lasting impression of the diversity, complexity and beauty of culture and the land. This segment does not make a strong distinction between cultural, natural and other tourism products. Visitors in this segment tend to combine many different activities during their visits, and usually see the various natural and cultural activities as part of the process of discovering the destination. Referring to the major market segments mentioned above, the tourism resources in Albania are in favor and support the types of community-based tourism, i.e. nature-based tourism, adventure tourism and cultural tourism. Considering these tourism resources, the following types of activities can be developed: Nature: Visiting national parks and protected areas Viewing wildlife Seeing rare species Trekking, hiking Bicycle trips Education and learning Participation in local events; and River and lake exploring. Culture: Visiting cultural and heritage-related attractions Visiting museums and art centres Meeting with artists Meeting people from various ethnic nationalities Seeing local handicrafts and the process of making them Visiting scenic landmarks and religious sites Trying local food Participating in local traditional ceremonies and festivals Buying traditional crafts and local specialties. Potential to development Albania offers infinite potential to investors to take advantage of unexplored opportunities in tourism, and helping to develop this industry into a key strategic sector in the countrys economy. Albania has a young population, with a high level of instruction and able to communicate with foregners in defferent languagies. Albanian is located at short distances from the main European capital cities and albanians are friendly and very hospitable people. The improved Rinas international airport, and different ports from the north to the south easy the access to the country. The continuing improvement and development of the infrastructure in the country, is facilitating moving inside the country. Continuing improvements are being made to encourage investors to develop the infrastructure for tourism in Albania. Just like other countries in the Western Balkans, Albania has put into place legislation and investment initiatives designed to support the economic growth of the country compatible with European policies and working principles. The Albanian Government has made support of the current and future expansion of tourism a priority, with the goal of transforming the country into a Mediterranean tourist destination and placing it on the world map of tourism. In an effort to support the continuing development of the tourism industry in Albania and to make this country a tourist destination, the importance of the active engagement of the local and international Business Community and strong Partnerships between community based organizations, government and regional development agencies is a must. Internal transport is likely to remain a major limitation for tourism in the foreseeable future except perhaps for road transport along key highways where upgrading / reconstruction is already planned or committed. In the WEF Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, Albanias tourism infrastructure is rated in the bottom two in the region (See Table 2.2). In recent years there has been an increasing interest from incoming foreign tourists, especially with significant increasing numbers of international tourist groups generated from Croatia and Montenegro, organised in one or two days tours to Albania. Also Business and Trade tourism accounts a considerable number of foreign visitors. Neighbour countries, such as Italy, Greece especially are related to trade and business purpose of visit of their nationals. From the western tourists visiting Albania in 2006, are identified those arriving from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, USA, Canada, France, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Switzerland, the neighbouring countries and regions (Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonian, Bulgaria), East Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia). Diaspora is another source for the inbound tourism, where the ethnic Albanians from Kosovo do count considerable numbers. The new road under construction from Milot (the crossroad to the highway Tirane-Shkoder) to Morini (the boarder-crossing point with Kosovo) will influence to increase the numbers of Kosovos citizens to access the Albanian coastal area. The market profile of visitors who enter to Albania by road from Muriqani and Hani i Hotit (the boarder-crossing points with Montenegro) with interest for Shkodra region for the year 2006 is as below: Foreigners who are living and working in Albania have also recently started to create an internal tourism demand. While there is no official record on domestic tourism in Albania, domestic tourism is the dominating form of tourism. This is mainly focussed on beach centred holidays. 1.3.2 National context for Tourism Development Albania has a great potential for tourism development based on its natural, cultural and human resources. The country has an attractive coastline, rich biodiversity with lagoons, lakes and the mountain areas each with unique flora and fauna, unspoiled nature and attractive scenery, cultural and historical sites and interesting traditional life-styles. The country therefore has the potential to develop the types of tourism products that are in demand from the international market in the Mediterranean region. Beside to the long and sandy beaches along the Adriatic coast and these rocky ones with crystal and clean sea waters of the Ionian coast, its natural and protected areas are basic for developing niche tourism activities such as eco-tourism and nature based activities. Such an activities can be hiking, trekking, walking, horseback-riding, river rafting, paragliding, mountain biking, climbing, canoeing, sightseeing, bird watching, fishing. Rural green and agri-tourism offers new opportunities for communities to benefit from tourism by offering visitor experiences based on traditional lifestyles. Albania also can offer cultural tourism through its archaeological sites and historic cities and villages. Albania is a short distance destination for Europe; it is within 3 hours of flying time of most major European cities and therefore is a short haul destination for the potentially huge European market, the World tourism Organisation predict that by 2020 the Mediterranean Region which includes Albania will be a hotspot for tourism, thus there is a great potential for Albania to develop and expand its tourism industry. On the other side, uncontrolled development in tourism areas has harmed the potential of these areas for tourism development. Even the measures taken by the government to legalise the illegal buildings are not considering for the moment those constructed in tourism areas, it is not clear what will be the measures taken in these areas to improve the environment by the harm of illegal buildings. Some significant measures are taken recently by the government. These measures, at the national level, encompass strategy and policy documents such as, the development of the Strategy for Cultural and Environmental Tourism in 2005 and the development of a new tourism website in 2006. A new Tourism Law (Nr.9734, dated 14.5.2007) was adopted by the parliament and a number of regulations approved by the government is thought to regulate the tourism sector development. Tourism development is the responsibility of the MoTCYS (Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports). NTA (National Tourism Agency) is an autonomous body outside the MoTCYS, being responsible for promotion activities through the production of promotional materials and participation in the international tourism fairs. The most attended fairs, regularly from years in Berlin (ITB) and London (WTM), and to RDA (Keln) from 2007. At the regional level, six tourist information offices are approved to be established in Tirana, Shkodra, Vlora, Saranda, Korà §a and Durres. At the national level there are operating two business Associations for Tourism Travel Agencies and one Association of Hotels. A GTZs project on Institutional building of tourism private sector in Albania is in the process for the time being with the aim to establish a strong representation for all the sectors involved in tourism, with the common interest providing services to the members as well as building relationship and cooperation with the public sector. Albanian Rourism Even the figures on tourist arrivals are growing considerably year after year in Albania, the country has remained highly dependant on summer holidays. Looking on the statistical data published recently in the websites of Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports ( and of National Tourism Agency (, is easily evident that the number of visitors visiting Albania succeeded 2.5 million in 2008 and only for the period January August 2009 this figure was over passing 2.1 million. As reported by MTCYS, the number of visitors in 2008 (2.578.627 visitors) is compound as international visitors 1.330.138, from which 1.247.125 were overnight visitors and 83.013 same day visitors, and 1.248.489 visitors were Albanian nationals residing abroad. While the number of visitors for the period January August 2009 (2.111.981 visitors) is compound as 1.402.558 international visitors and 709.423 Albanian nationals residing abroad . But does this picture speak for real success in the development of Albanias tourism as a tourist destination visited by the western tourists? We have to bear in mind that the main reason for the development of tourism is attracting foreign visitors from countries with strong currencies. Tourism is considered a hidden export that brings money (hard currency) to the country. Referring to the Strategy and Action Plan for the Development of the Albanian Tourism Sector Based on Cultural and Environmental Tourism produced by Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports with the support of UNDP in 2005, Albania will specialize in attracting educated, independent travelers and specialized group travelers. The principal target markets will be upper-middle income individuals from Europe (primarily northern Europe and the United Kingdom) and North America. This segment represents the demographic segment with the highest willingness to pay for Albanias unique products, and whose spending patterns will most contribute to advancing development goals. Also, in this strategic document is specified that Albanias central product will be the discovery of Albania. The product is a presentation of a broad cross-section of Albanias history, nature, archaeology, living culture, cuisine and hospitality. Visitors participating in this discovery will leave with a lasting impr ession of the diversity, complexity and beauty of the culture and the land. The question is this: Are these kind of tourists visiting Albania contributing to this strategic direction? The answer is, NO.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Cell Essay -- essays research papers

The Cell Theory The cell theory states that all living matter is made up of cells and some living organisms consist of a single cell. Other cells serve a special purpose within advanced organisms like nerve cells. One theory of a cell states that the first form of life on this earth consisted of a lot of different types of small protocells. Protocells are cell like organism. These organisms were able to reproduce in a very limited environment because they are so simple. After many years some of the protocells came together and shared their DNA with each other. These protocells eventually became the cells we are studying now. Type of Cells   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two types of cells one is the Prokaryote, a Prokaryote is a cell with no nucleus or organelles with membranes, the other, a Eukaryotes are cells that contain a nucleus and organelles and are surrounded by a membrane. Cell Structure Thin membranes surround cells; this is called the cell membranes, they separate the inside from the out. The cell membrane is just like the other organelles in a cell because it has its own specialized jobs. One of its jobs is to control what enters and exits the cell and to protect the cell. Cell membranes are made up of fats with big protein molecules inside them. Molecules move across cell membranes by two processes diffusion or active transport. Diffusion is the movement from a high level of molecules to a low level of molecules. Molecules can diffuse across membranes through the ph... The Cell Essay -- essays research papers The Cell Theory The cell theory states that all living matter is made up of cells and some living organisms consist of a single cell. Other cells serve a special purpose within advanced organisms like nerve cells. One theory of a cell states that the first form of life on this earth consisted of a lot of different types of small protocells. Protocells are cell like organism. These organisms were able to reproduce in a very limited environment because they are so simple. After many years some of the protocells came together and shared their DNA with each other. These protocells eventually became the cells we are studying now. Type of Cells   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two types of cells one is the Prokaryote, a Prokaryote is a cell with no nucleus or organelles with membranes, the other, a Eukaryotes are cells that contain a nucleus and organelles and are surrounded by a membrane. Cell Structure Thin membranes surround cells; this is called the cell membranes, they separate the inside from the out. The cell membrane is just like the other organelles in a cell because it has its own specialized jobs. One of its jobs is to control what enters and exits the cell and to protect the cell. Cell membranes are made up of fats with big protein molecules inside them. Molecules move across cell membranes by two processes diffusion or active transport. Diffusion is the movement from a high level of molecules to a low level of molecules. Molecules can diffuse across membranes through the ph...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bullying in Our Life Essay

We all have been bullied or been a bullying in our life time, maybe not us. But our children have been bullied or is a bully without us even known. This is why I chose to write about bullying in school. We often hear on the news and internet how young people are shooting up schools, killing themselves cause of bullying. ‘‘60% of bullies have a criminal record† (Ryan Keller) by the adult age. However this essay will give you information and tools on how you and your child can solve bully problems in school s, also in the community’s even at work places. Most kids get teased by their sisters or brothers at some point in life and that’s what siblings usually do it’s not harmful teasing, but friendly and playful matter. But when it comes down to bullying were your teasing becomes hurtful, constant and really cross the line into bullying is a very intentional physical ,verbal Often time the child who is doing the bullying is a victim of bullying themselves, by someone at home. And they are looking for someone who appears to be weaker than them, so they can stand up to their bully. The second tool is we have to see why that child is a bully and help them to face their bully, they maybe stop begin a bully as well. The third tool is if you child see someone who is getting bullied, tell them don’t just walk by it go and get some help for them. Make a stand yell stop and help until someone comes and help.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Case Study of Soren

1. Define the problem (from student’s perspective) 2. Ensure safety (including assessing potential for self-harm) 3. Provide support 4. Examine alternatives 5. Make a plan 6. Obtain a commitment (including no-harm agreement where applicable) Tragedy struck a small west Texas town Saturday when beloved Lubbock Christian School (LCU) superintendent, Peter Dahlstrom, accidentally shot and killed his nine year old granddaughter, Soren, while rabbit hunting on the family farm. The entire community has been shocked by this tragedy and the effects of the incident will be felt in the community for some time.Many people in the community will benefit from crisis intervention techniques during this time. I have applied Robinson’s Crisis Response Model for successful crisis intervention to develop a plan of action to help teachers, students, and faculty through this difficult time. The model suggests the following six steps: 1) Define the problem; 2) Ensure safety, including assess ing potential for self-harm; 3) Provide support; 4) Examine alternatives; 5) Make a plan; and 6) Obtain a commitment, including a no-harm agreement where applicable.The first phase of the crisis intervention plan is to inform as many people of the issue as quickly as possible. To quickly reach as many people as possible, the crisis team sent out an email to inform parents as immediately after the accident occurred. It would be best if the children are not blind-sided by the information at school on Monday morning. I expect several of the students and faculty members to go through the 5 classic stages of grief identified by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969), which are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.Sometimes this can be a slow process, so I think some students and teachers will require on-going help to process this tragic loss of life. My plan involves the following crisis intervention steps: 1. Have a Staff Pre-meeting first thing Monday morning: a. Invite all the staff who feels affected by the crisis. I feel it is important to include part-time teachers, bus drivers, playground supervisors, janitors, secretaries, and any other workers who would like to join. b. Keep communications open and give facts on the situation, as appropriate within the bounds of confidentiality.Prepare a handout for staff not in attendance. c. Share reactions and feelings with one another, taking time for mutual support. The school crisis team shares information on grief, and answers the questions and concerns of the staff. d. Give a plan for the day that has been prepared by the crisis team. 2. Prior to the first active school day How to tell Students e. Decide which students are to be told. f. Confirm what information they will be told. g. Decide who will tell the students. h. Outline the procedures for how they will be told. i.Discuss how they may react and what to do. 3. The Debriefing Meeting: A meeting with staff at the end of the day to discuss how the day w ent for both students and staff. 4. Activities to Discourage: Large assemblies or public address announcements – these make it difficult to provide support to students on an individual basis. When he Lubbock Christian School community mourned the loss of a student and the pain of their leader. â€Å"This is a great tragedy for our school,† said Brian Pitaniello, chairman of the Lubbock Christian School's Board of Trustees.Pitaniello said Peter Dahlstrom has worked as superintendent of the school for 17 years. â€Å"He is a spiritual leader for our school; he loves our kids,† he said. Hundreds of students, teachers parents and friends of the Dahlstroms gathered for a student-organized prayer vigil in honor of the family Saturday morning in the school's auditorium. â€Å"That just shows the impact this family had on our school,† Pitaniello said. â€Å"This school and this community loves this were answered by a family friend who said the family did not wis h to speak with the media. family. and our heart breaks for this family.We hurt for her family for a loss of a child as well as for the loss of a classmate and the loss of a student. † School administrators sent an email to parents early Saturday informing them of the incident. Parents were told grief counselors would be available for students. Parents of third-graders were urged to meet with a children's grief counselor at 8 a. m. Monday morning at the school to help mothers and fathers feel more confident in talking with their children about the tragedy. Classes were expected to go on as scheduled Monday. Phone calls to the Dahlstrom house in Anton . k. Student and staff contact with the media while at school – media contacts can be disruptive and sometimes insensitive. Direct all media to the public information officer or representative. l. Removing belongings of the deceased- this is best done gradually and can include family members and friends. Having concrete rem inders in the classroom can help teachers and students let go gradually. m. Staying rigid with regard to curriculum and scheduling – reactions will vary, from needing flexibility to needing structure. Decisions must be made on an individual basis. n.Not communicating with students, staff, parents and community on unfolding events. o. Treating the death of students differently because of status or community position, etc. 5. Safety Valves p. Make sure there are enough staff and school crisis team members to support all who may need it. It's much better to have more than you need, than to need, more than you have. q. Designate a safe room for anyone wanting a place to go to, if needed. Make sure everyone knows its purpose and location. r. Hold a debriefing meeting at the end of the day to give people a place to process the day and receive support and validation. bnnhb

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Russian Revolution Timeline

Russian Revolution Timeline The Russian Revolution of 1917 deposed the czar and installed the Bolsheviks in power. After winning the civil war in Russia, the Bolsheviks established the Soviet Union in 1922. Timelines of the Russian Revolution are often confusing because up until February 1918 Russia used a different calendar than the rest of the Western world. The 19th century, the Julian calendar, used by Russia, was 12 days behind the Gregorian calendar (used by most of the Western world) until March 1, 1900, when it became 13 days behind. In this timeline, the dates are in the Julian Old Style, with the Gregorian New Style (NS) date in parentheses, until the change in 1918. Thereafter, all dates are in the Gregorian. Timeline of the Russian Revolution 1887 May 8 (May 20 NS) - Lenins brother, Alexander Ulyanov, is hanged for plotting to kill Czar Alexander III. 1894 October 20 (November 1 NS) - Czar Alexander III dies after a sudden illness and his son, Nicholas II, becomes the ruler of Russia.November 14 (November 26 NS) - Czar Nicholas II marries Alexandra Fedorovna. 1895 December 8 (December 20 NS) - Lenin is arrested, kept in solitary confinement for 13 months, and then exiled to Siberia for three years. 1896 May 14 (May 26 NS) - Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia. Print Collector/Getty Images / Getty Images 1903 July 17 - August 10 (July 30 - August 23 NS) - The Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) meeting in which the Party splits into two factions: Mensheviks (minority) and Bolsheviks (majority). 1904 July 30 (August 12 NS) - After having four girls, Czarina Alexandra gives birth to a son, Alexei. 1905 January 9 (January 22 NS) - Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution.October 17 (October 30 NS) - The October Manifesto, issued by Czar Nicholas II, brings an end to the 1905 Russian Revolution by promising civil liberties and an elected parliament (Duma). 1906 April 23 (May 6 NS) - A constitution (the Fundamental Laws of 1906) is created, reflecting the promises made in the October Manifesto. 1914 July 15 (July 28 NS) - World War I begins. 1915 September 5 (September 18 NS) - Czar Nicholas II assumes supreme command of the Russian Army. 1916 December 17 (December 30) - Rasputin is murdered. 1917 February 23-27 (March 8-12 NS) - The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd (also called the March Revolution if following the Gregorian calendar).March 2 (March 15 NS) - Czar Nicholas II abdicates and includes his son. The following day, Nicholas brother, Mikhail announced his refusal to accept the throne. Provisional Government formed.April 3 (April 16 NS) - Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train.July 3-7 (July 16-20 NS) - The July Days begin in Petrograd with spontaneous protests against the Provisional Government; after the Bolsheviks unsuccessfully try to direct these protests into a coup, Lenin is forced into hiding.July 11 (July 24 NS) - Alexander Kerensky becomes Prime Minister of the Provisional Government.August 22-27 (September 4-9 NS) - The Kornilov Affair, a failed coup by General Lavr Kornilov, commander of the Russian Army.October 25 (November 7 NS) - The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd (also called the November Revolution if following the Gregorian calendar). October 26 (November 8 NS) - The Winter Palace, the last holdout of the Provisional Government, is taken by the Bolsheviks; the Council of Peoples Commissars (abbreviated as Sovnarkom), led by Lenin, is now in control of Russia. 1918 February 1/14 - The new Bolshevik government converts Russia from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar turning February 1 into February 14.March 3 - The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, between Germany and Russia, is signed and takes Russia out of World War I.March 8 - The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party.March 11 - The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow.June - Russian civil war begins.July 17 - Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed.August 30 - An assassination attempt leaves Lenin seriously wounded. Heritage Images / Getty Images 1920 November - Russian civil war ends. 1922 April 3 - Stalin is appointed General Secretary.May 26 - Lenin suffers his first stroke.December 15 - Lenin suffers his second stroke and retires from politics.December 30 - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established. 1924 January 21 - Lenin dies; Stalin will become his successor. Laski Diffusion / Getty Images

Monday, October 21, 2019

Suicide Solution Essays - Suicide, Assisted Suicide, Free Essays

Suicide Solution Essays - Suicide, Assisted Suicide, Free Essays Suicide Solution I'm about to take up a position which is going to be deamed by some, if not all, as a terrible stand to take. As a matter of fact, if anyone were to agree with me on ths subject, I'd be surprsed. For you see, rather than arguing from the postion of suicide being an unjustified and inane way to die, I shall argue the other point. That being suicide does have its merits. Before you people start screaming, hear my case out. Most people argue that nothing justifies the taking of someone's life. Yet what makes life so valuable? Why do people cling to it so? All we consist of is a bunch of carbon atoms, bound together to form an exoskeleton, organs, and tissue. In this light, there really is not much to life. Out of the 5 billion who inhabit the planet, very few of them shall emerge to be true world leaders. The rest will just lead a mediocre life of work and little play. The taking of ones life can be argued from a populistic view as well. It makes little sense to preserve life in an over populated world. True, one less person here on there will not make a large dent. Yet if everyone who attempts or had attempted suicide were not stopped, the impact would be noticed. Another popular argument for stoppers, people who want to prevent suicide, is that nothing can be bad enough. Yet how do they know this? They do not have to put up with the same stuff the suicide victim does everyday. How could they possibly know what the potential suicide victim feels. Just as a severely burned victim may wish to be allowed to die in peace, the suicide victim wishes the same. To die in peace with no argument from others. The argument of look at the people you will hurt also does not hold. Imidiate family members will be the only ones to suffer any great pain. Friends will go on with thier lives and in time forget about the death. Imidiate family too will forget the loss in time. Although it will take most considerably longer for them than it will for friends. Finaly, the argument of suicide being selfish is hard to grasp. Selfish in whose eyes? Certainly not the eyes of the victim. To them, they consider it selfish of others to try and preserve their life. Again, the argument of the stoppers don't know what the victim has to go through. They are not the ones enduring the pain. Religious people also crop up into the debate. Catholics claim that for someone to committ suicide sneds their soul straight to Hell. In many religions, suicide is considered taboo. However why is this so? Why should it be looked upon as disgracefull, when some religions claim death the be the reward for people after their time on earth is done. Suicide is an issue which should be examined at by all angles. Not just from the angle that it is wrong. End of debate. Rather it should be looked at from the point of view that yes for some people, they should be allowed to die in peace.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Revolution In Perception English Literature Essay

A Revolution In Perception English Literature Essay Speaking of modernist literatures revolutionary project, Maren Linett correctly states that writers had to break with convention and show how life was experienced rather than as it was conventionally recorded.Such a notion is highly relevant in elucidating how writers such as George Egerton and Katherine Mansfield strove, through their revolutionary use of the short story, to expose the failure of the Victorian novel’s dominant male perspective at accurately rendering the reality and ‘terra incognita’ of mothers and wives.   [ 2 ]   This essay will therefore argue that, in Egerton’s ‘A Cross Line’ (1893) and Mansfield’s ‘Bliss’ (1918), the use of a ground-breaking female perspective allows them to facilitate the reader’s gaining of ‘new eyes’ on the commonplace subject matter of motherhood and matrimony; a purpose that will be shown to be far more concerned with revolutionizing the Victorian percepti on of these roles as idyllic and harmonious destinations for women, than with creating ‘some new particular thing’.   [ 3 ]   The first half of the essay will consider the ‘new eyes’ that Egerton and Mansfield give to motherhood and will demonstrate that each writer revolutionizes the reader’s perception of maternity by exposing what Nicole Fluhr confirms was the inadequacy of inherited nineteenth-century ideologies and symbols, and also by subverting the eugenic perception of motherhood, meaning highly nurturing or affectionate, provided by their Victorian antecedents.   [ 4 ]   Firstly considering ‘A Cross Line’, I will analyse how Egerton achieves her reversal of Victorian beliefs in an innate maternal instinct through a realist aesthetic and focalized narrative which exposes Gypsy’s repugnant reaction to the bucolic image of the chicks, before demonstrating how this revolutionary perception is reinforced in an aposiope tic statement. Secondly, an examination of ‘Bliss’ and Mansfield’s critical use of the symbolic pear tree will demonstrate that this inherited symbol provides an invaluable framework for exposing Bertha’s aesthetic, rather than eugenic, approach to motherhood that is then explicitly reinforced in her interaction with ‘little B’.   [ 5 ]   The second half of the essay will then move to Egerton’s and Mansfield’s depictions of matrimony, and reveal that each writer adapts this subject to their purpose of providing ‘new eyes’ by revolutionizing two components of the Victorian marriage plot: the elision of female sexuality within marriage, and the predominating perceptions of adultery provided by omniscient narrators in sensation novels.   [ 6 ]   In my analysis of ‘A Cross Line’, I shall illustrate that the psychological moment of Gypsy’s Salomà ©ic dream-vision provides an elucidating frame of reference through which to reassess Egerton’s illustration of the marital union from an unexplored and eroticized female perspective. The final examination of ‘Bliss’ will then demonstrate that Mansfield revolutionizes an omniscient narrator’s perception of the subject matter of infidelious marriage by mediating it through Bertha’s female perspective in two of her psychological moments, which expose its stagnant and adulterous reality as a rejection of the Victorian ideology of marriage as a sacred institution.   [ 7 ]   Ultimately, by appropriating commonplace and eternal subject matter, rather than ‘new particular thing[s]’, within the most appropriate form for exploring and revealing the inner lives of women, Egerton and Mansfield refashion their reader’s normative view of motherhood and marriage and succeed, as Jenny McDonnell confirms, in presenting excellent examples of ‘mak[ing] it new’; in accordance w ith Ezra Pound’s summation of the modernist project.   [ 8 ]

Friday, October 18, 2019

My School Writing Center Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My School Writing Center - Essay Example The slogan I chose for my poster is â€Å"Write with us.† All of the writing center assistants are highly skilled and professional individuals whose writing talents cannot be questioned. They are some of the best in the business and we are lucky to have them on our side, rooting for us to succeed in writing the perfect academic paper. â€Å"Write with us† is actually a word of encouragement that one of the writing assistants told me when I was feeling down and hard on myself about my meager English writing skills. I did my best to â€Å"Write with them† and came out a much better, more confident, and well rounded international student in the process. I chose the blue, red, and yellow colors for the bird because those are relaxing colors that I hope will encourage the other Chinese international students to come forward and seek the help that they need from the writing center. I know that the bird looks like a chicken and I specifically intended for the bird to lo ok that way because of the American term "chicken feed" which means, it's easy. That is what I want the other students to come to realize, writing the academic papers will be as easy as chicken feed once they write with the help of the academic writing center. Choosing to place the posters in the restrooms, cafeteria, and other high traffic places in the university was not a hard choice to make. I wanted to get my poster the highest visibility possible so any place where there is a conglomeration of students for more than 5 minutes is bound to attract attention to it.... The first thing that I noticed upon reaching the academic writing center was that I was not the only international student who was having problems when it came to writing my academic papers. European, Asian, Middle Eastern, and other countries were also there, seeking the professional help of the writing assistants. It was like being at the United Nations. That was where I met other Chinese students who had already been using the Writing Center for quite sometime already. That meeting helped me realize that I was not alone and I was not stupid. I had found a home where I could get the academic help that I needed while also connecting with other exchange students who were more than happy to help me out with my written and spoken grammar problems. As Chinese students living in China, we never had to worry about how well we spoke in English or whether we could write academically acceptable English papers. We were in China after all and we only needed to know how to speak in the Chinese language of our region. We did not need to know the difference between batter and butter. It was not necessary to dot every I and cross every T in our papers. We got by. But studying in America is a totally different ballgame and we have to play by the American academic rules of writing and spoken grammar. We all need the kind of help that the university writing center offers to its international student community. All we have to do is take the help being offered. Chinese international students no longer need to be afraid of getting low grades in their essays. There is no need to suffer the sense of hopelessness and feeling of isolation and stupidity because we cannot

Leadership of Collin Powell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership of Collin Powell - Essay Example From this study it is clear that   the management team have to make sensitive decisions that have positive impacts on the business. In the contemporary business environment, decision making is surrounded by the complexities of the business market making it necessary for the management team to use critical thinking skills to overcome business challenges. For this reason, there are numerous management skills that leaders today can learn from the life of Powell. Powell started his career as a military soon after joining the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTP) while still in college education. Powell found this as the best decision he made as being in the military was not only his passion but also something that he was good at. In his training, Powell portrayed strong leadership skills even before his graduation. While in the drill team, he managed to win a drilling competition and the general awarded him with a pen set. When he completed his training, he was given a leadership posi tion as an Army second Lieutenant, and it did not take long before he was awarded the position of a platoon leader. In this position, Powell was supposed to guide his troop in times of war. A keen look at the leadership of Powell, he was a leader inspired right from his childhood. He points out the success of a person lies in their ability to find they love to do and what they pretty good at. For one to be an effective leader, they should be in the line of their passion and should strive to specialize in this area. Contemporary management leaders should have an inspiration for excellence as they pursue these positions in management, and this is a passion that they have to nurture right from their early career life. In the army, started on a low tone amid challenges and worked hard to achieve be the best among his troop.  

The Innovation of the iPod Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Innovation of the iPod - Case Study Example "Timing and execution are everything. Being first in an emerging market is neither as important nor can be as lucrative as designing the right products and services to cater to second- and third-stage growth .A smart company commands a premium for successfully blending off-the-shelf technologies into a new and useful product. Essentially, the iPod is a portable hard drive (in the Shuffle and Nano models, a flash drive) hidden inside a simple and beautiful enclosure, accessed through intuitive menus, buttons and a scroll wheel .separately, these parts were forgettable, but together they became unforgettable, Instead of creating a good product and knocking down the price until everyone could afford it, Apple has sold stripped-down versions at lower price points and hoped demand would follow. This strategy helped create Apple's bestselling music player, the bipod Mini." The development of the iPod is well reminiscent of the complex task of an entrepreneur who has to take all the monetary and intrinsic risks which will ultimately bring him success or failure in the cruel world of technology and innovation. (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005)As far back as in the year 2005 financial forecasters were predicting that the stock price of Apple Computer, Inc.had witnessed an increase of almost 6 times its original size . (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005) All this success can be attributed to the iPod digital music player which was introduced only a few years ago and has met unmatched success than any of its contemporary products and thus is an excellent study model in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation.The product itself has accelerated the growth of Apples digital music player market in the USA and has helped Apple increase its third-quarter sales to increase by 75 per cent within a single year. (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005)This success is puzzling for most critics in the sense that when originally introduced the iPod was neither the first digital music player, nor initially compatible with the majority of personal computers ( it was only compatible with Apple's own Macintosh computers, which only had a 4% market share of US computer sales). (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005) Before going on to discuss the success story of the iPod entrepreneurship it is worth reviewing what Product innovation entails for the entrepreneurial success. The concept of product innovation pertains to the whole process of bringing a new product or service to the market and which include the stages of product conceptualization, design and development. (Dyson, J.1997) More importantly there will be a need to improve upon the conceptions of production and distribution of the new product. (Dyson, J.1997) As the name suggests that the "innovation" pertains to the something new in terms technology and creativity .The innovation process will involve the activity of people and organisations who will be able to change themselves and the environment. (Dyson, J.1997).One of the most brilliant examples of product innovation comes from IBM which has become popular for successfully transforming itself from a provider of hardware-based products to more software-based services .

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rent Seeking in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rent Seeking in Economics - Essay Example Upon analyzing the given case scenario, it is clear that rent seeking in economics happens because of the imperfection within the economic and political markets (Pasour, p. 124). It simply means that the presence of political and economic corruption promotes the strengthening of rent-seeking behavior among the local and international business people. On the contrary, the chances wherein the market will be dictated freely by the movements of supply and demand increases in case of the absence of lobbying, bribery, and political corruption. In a free market economy, movements in supply and demand dictate the market prices of goods and services. In the absence of a direct government regulation, sellers will have to encourage the buyers to purchase the products and services they offer to the public by making the market price more attractive. Because of the presence of political and economic corruption, it is not easy to control unfair business practices. It is difficult to abolish the pre sence of rent-seeking behavior because of self-interests among the government officials and the business people within a market economy. In line with this, government officials who have the political power to either grant tax protection or give monopoly right to a large corporation is often tempted to accept irresistible offers or bribes coming from the big-time players in the business world. As a way of earning more money, business people would always grab the chance of becoming protected by the government officials whenever possible. Since the general public is the one who votes for the members of the government officials, rent seeking behavior in economics terms does not always occur as a collective decision-making process but a larger context of public choice. This makes rent-seeking behavior a major public choice problem.  Looking back at the card game experiment our team had in class, the practice of rent seeking behavior is not possible since the experimental case study has dictated all the conditions behind the game. No matter how hard we try to manipulate the game, there is no other way our team could win the contract but luck. In case our team gets lucky enough to be randomly selected by the local government, we win the contract. If not, our team will always have to pay the paper work and legal fees even without winning the license.

Report 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Report 3 - Assignment Example We will make sure that all our ads will comply with the Chilean laws (Shaver and Soontae 67). The ads will be in English targeting the right group to use smoke detectors in their home; however, I would prefer using Spanish because most of Chilean speaks it. Most of our advertising budget will go the Television whereby we will want to increase the number of times a commercial will be aired per week. Therefore, allocating much of the budget to television is because it is the most effective medium for advertisement and will be $1,750,000 per year (Warc n. pag). The viewers cannot ignore an advert that comes as they watch a program they love, thus making it more effective (Shaver and Soontae 71). Our commercial will be aired in one major television station, which is Channel 4. The commercial will be aired in the evening hours, mostly when the news is ready in order to target the more mature customers twice a week. The television advert emotionally highlights the importance of having a smoke detector in the house, with fireman ready to come to the rescue. It will highlight the catastrophe fire can cause if a house does not have a smoke detector and the losses one can get. The commercial will finally show how a person with the burned house i s going to our store to buy a smoke detector and goes home happy. Our team also discussed using the most listened radio stations in Chile by the targeted consumers with a budget of $200,000 annually. After doing a statistical analysis on the most listened national radio stations, we decided that we would advertise with RCN La FM. It is the most listened radio stations by mature people who the major targets of our product. The advert will be aired on the morning hours while people are going to work in the La  ½ Maná ½ °ná ½ °. The advert will be aired three times a week. In Santiago alone, 97% of the population listens to a radio station. The radio commercial

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Innovation of the iPod Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Innovation of the iPod - Case Study Example "Timing and execution are everything. Being first in an emerging market is neither as important nor can be as lucrative as designing the right products and services to cater to second- and third-stage growth .A smart company commands a premium for successfully blending off-the-shelf technologies into a new and useful product. Essentially, the iPod is a portable hard drive (in the Shuffle and Nano models, a flash drive) hidden inside a simple and beautiful enclosure, accessed through intuitive menus, buttons and a scroll wheel .separately, these parts were forgettable, but together they became unforgettable, Instead of creating a good product and knocking down the price until everyone could afford it, Apple has sold stripped-down versions at lower price points and hoped demand would follow. This strategy helped create Apple's bestselling music player, the bipod Mini." The development of the iPod is well reminiscent of the complex task of an entrepreneur who has to take all the monetary and intrinsic risks which will ultimately bring him success or failure in the cruel world of technology and innovation. (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005)As far back as in the year 2005 financial forecasters were predicting that the stock price of Apple Computer, Inc.had witnessed an increase of almost 6 times its original size . (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005) All this success can be attributed to the iPod digital music player which was introduced only a few years ago and has met unmatched success than any of its contemporary products and thus is an excellent study model in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation.The product itself has accelerated the growth of Apples digital music player market in the USA and has helped Apple increase its third-quarter sales to increase by 75 per cent within a single year. (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005)This success is puzzling for most critics in the sense that when originally introduced the iPod was neither the first digital music player, nor initially compatible with the majority of personal computers ( it was only compatible with Apple's own Macintosh computers, which only had a 4% market share of US computer sales). (CNN Money 2005,Collingwood, H. 2005) Before going on to discuss the success story of the iPod entrepreneurship it is worth reviewing what Product innovation entails for the entrepreneurial success. The concept of product innovation pertains to the whole process of bringing a new product or service to the market and which include the stages of product conceptualization, design and development. (Dyson, J.1997) More importantly there will be a need to improve upon the conceptions of production and distribution of the new product. (Dyson, J.1997) As the name suggests that the "innovation" pertains to the something new in terms technology and creativity .The innovation process will involve the activity of people and organisations who will be able to change themselves and the environment. (Dyson, J.1997).One of the most brilliant examples of product innovation comes from IBM which has become popular for successfully transforming itself from a provider of hardware-based products to more software-based services .

Report 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Report 3 - Assignment Example We will make sure that all our ads will comply with the Chilean laws (Shaver and Soontae 67). The ads will be in English targeting the right group to use smoke detectors in their home; however, I would prefer using Spanish because most of Chilean speaks it. Most of our advertising budget will go the Television whereby we will want to increase the number of times a commercial will be aired per week. Therefore, allocating much of the budget to television is because it is the most effective medium for advertisement and will be $1,750,000 per year (Warc n. pag). The viewers cannot ignore an advert that comes as they watch a program they love, thus making it more effective (Shaver and Soontae 71). Our commercial will be aired in one major television station, which is Channel 4. The commercial will be aired in the evening hours, mostly when the news is ready in order to target the more mature customers twice a week. The television advert emotionally highlights the importance of having a smoke detector in the house, with fireman ready to come to the rescue. It will highlight the catastrophe fire can cause if a house does not have a smoke detector and the losses one can get. The commercial will finally show how a person with the burned house i s going to our store to buy a smoke detector and goes home happy. Our team also discussed using the most listened radio stations in Chile by the targeted consumers with a budget of $200,000 annually. After doing a statistical analysis on the most listened national radio stations, we decided that we would advertise with RCN La FM. It is the most listened radio stations by mature people who the major targets of our product. The advert will be aired on the morning hours while people are going to work in the La  ½ Maná ½ °ná ½ °. The advert will be aired three times a week. In Santiago alone, 97% of the population listens to a radio station. The radio commercial

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Professional Development Plan Essay Example for Free

Professional Development Plan Essay When forming teams in a professional work environment it is important to understand the personalities of your teammates to determine strengths and weaknesses. When a leader is able to define the strengths and weaknesses of the team members it is easier to delegate tasks, encourage brain storming sessions and be successful as a team. Team C is composed of five members all with great leadership skills and a desire to learn and complete excellent work together. The first week of class we completed a DISC assessment that identified our individual personality traits. According to Disc Profile (n.d.), The initial DISC model comes from Dr. William Marston, a professor at Columbia University in the 1920s, who was curious about the behavior of normal people. He did not create an instrument from his theory, but others did† (Disc Overview). As a potential leader of this team, I was able to examine my own leadership styles and apply that to our assignment which is to create a professional development plan to identify the characteristics of the members to lead them to success. My DISC assessment concluded that I was a Cautious personality type. I see this in my personality. I often think or overthink what I do and tasks that I complete at work and in the school environment. I rarely rush into an assignment or partially complete an assignment. I often am very detail-oriented in projects and assignments. My leadership mentality is mainly to lead by example. I rarely will task another person without knowing exactly what is involved in completing the job. This is probably due to a desire to have control over a situation and know exactly what is involved and how long it will take to complete. Plus I am a person that prefers to build trust by having examples of competent behavior to reference. Three members of my team have the â€Å"Steadiness† personality. Betty, Shawn, and Harlan are more steady and security-oriented, meaning they prefer to know precisely what they are doing as far as job related and school related tasks are concerned. When leading them in the team I would make sure they  understand the assignments of projects we work on as a team and I may be able to help them understand the projects better by fully explaining what we would hope the result would be. This might help team members to have more confidence in the projects. Brian has an interactive personality and it shows as he is able to learn about an assignment and take charge in explaining and delegating tasks for it. Brain is very confident in his assessments of situations and tasks. He has a very good way of being so excited about an assignment that it influences others in a positive manner. If I were to lead this team, I would have to have an understanding of the strengths of Brian’s ability to motivate the team and my ability to help the others understand the project so we may be successful in completion. Betty, Harlan, and Shawn are the key players in this as they will strive to do an incredible job in maintaining a strong will to succeed and complete the tasks. As a general rule, the steady personality listens well, creates very strong relationship bonds and work very well with others (Uniquely You, n.d.). They are able to be objective about situations that other people might not handle well. They can handle stress well and are reliable and really care about others feelings and will often take action that will help others feel good. References Disc Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved from Uniquely You. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Passing by Nella Larson Gender Analysis Essay

Passing by Nella Larson Gender Analysis Essay Nella Larsen was an American writer of the Harlem Renaissance. One of her novels, Passing, took place New York society during the 1920s. The story surrounds the reunion of two women, Clare Kendry and Irene Redfield and their struggles they face because of passing. Through Passing, Nella Larsen demonstrates the challenges that the gender constructs during the time as women are powerless against race and men. Irene and Brians marriage symbolized the different roles of women and men in their home. Although she told Clare that she had all the things she wanted and that did not need to pass as white, Irene still struggled with her marriage and the control of her sons. In the beginning of Passing, Irene recalled the memory of meeting Clare Kendry in Chicago after receiving letter from her. Unplanned, Irene saw Clare in Chicago and was disturbed by her. After dropping Clare out of her mind, she turned her mind to her lovely family, To home, to the boys, to Brian. Brian, who in the morning would be waiting for her in the great clamorous station. She hoped that he had been comfortable and not too lonely without her and the boys (Larsen P1 4). It seems that she has found a destination where she can find her own peace and comfort solution for all her troubles she has. This quote reveals the message that the women should be expected to find their love and their solutions to their problems. This als o shows the expectations society has for women. Home is where the women should be at. Throughout Passing, Larsen starts to unveil pieces of her complicated mind and thoughts of Irene. For example, when Larsen brought up how women think about their husbands That craving for some place strange and different, which at the beginning of her marriage she had had to make such strenuous efforts to repress, and which yet faintly alarmed her, though it now sprang up at gradually lessening intervals (Larsen P1 4). Even though she made Brian stay in New York for his job, which showed some power over Brian, but overall she is powerless against Brian in many aspects as explained, She was, to him, only the mother of his sons (Larsen P3 1). This unveiled the point of view men have about marriage in this society. Women think that children, kids, babies can fill up the cracks of their own marriage. The power of the women in their own family, where they have to depend on their husband in everything, seems to fade every moment: She closed her unseeing eyes and clenched her fists. She tried not to cry. But her lips tightened and no effort could check the hot tears of rage and shame that sprang into her eyes and flowed down her cheeks; so she laid her face in her arms and wept silently. (Larsen P3 1). Irene couldnt do anything but think and endure the pain that she went through, thinking about Brians affair, that she still has to stay with him whether he had an affair or not. Until this point, Larsen has shown the perspective, the struggles of the women when they depend on men to survive. Clare Kendry reveals the expectations of women in society and symbolizes the power struggle of the women in society. She has taken a risk by passing and living in a white society. She has put herself in a dangerous situation to bring her access to power and to the higher class in the society. She represents the need for power of women in society, striving for equality. Like Irene, Clare is helpless and powerless against her husband, John Bellew in her own home. She is catlike (Larsen P1 1), trying to hide her own identity because of her own sake. Her true root goes with her gender and drags her down to the bottom against John. She had to accept everything John said. During the reunion with her old friends, Gertrude and Irene, John came into the room, with a surprise greeting that startle everyone, Hello, Nig, (Larsen P1 3) despite not being aware of Clares background. The racist term has offended anyone that has a black background. Gertrude and Irene who had caught her lip between he r teeth and sat gazing at husband and wife, (Larsen P1 3) and even Clare, but she did not do a thing. She knew that if she stood up against him for calling her that, her perfect white life would be over. She knows she has no power over her husband. Later in Passing, John Bellew found out the original root of Clare. Clare herself was speechless, stood at the window, as composed as if everyone were not staring at her in curiosity and wonder, as if the whole structure of her life were not lying in fragments before her. She seemed unaware of any danger or uncaring. There was even a faint smile on her full, red lips, and in her shining eyes (Larsen P3, 4). She finally realized that she was free of him and free of being powerless against her husband. Everyone in the room stood up for her. Even though she felt liberated for an instant, she knew the intolerance of Bellew would cause a tragic end to her. She stood there, next to the window, frozen. The next thing, she was gone. She fell thro ugh the window, which had freed her from the pressure of her husband, as the pressure the expectations on the women of the society had put on them. The end of the story portrays the pressure of the women in their own home, society, which in some ways death is the only solution; they had to follow every single word of men, who is portrayed in the story as more a power creature. Clare Kendrys husband, John Bellew represents the power of the man against the women in the familys structure. Passing is the story about the life surrounds two main character, Clare Kendry and Irene Redfield but it portrays them as powerless creatures that struggle in identify themselves in their own society. It also portrays the picture of men as power creatures against women, as if they are the gender slave owners where the women are the gender slaves. John Bellew is the perfect figure that is portrayed in this story, symbolizing the power of the men in society. Clare Kendry, fearing that John might figure out her original root, shrinks herself into a small creature, powerless, helpless against him. This situation symbolizes the ideology in the familys structure of power in the society, where men are always in charge of the house, and women have to follow what they said. When he came into the room during the party, his greeting to Clare was, Hello, Nig (Larsen P1 3). Despite the f act that he didnt know about Clare and her friends background, the greeting still heated up their anger. Even though it was very offensive, Clare and her friends still could not do anything about it. This shows the power of John over all the women, as the only man in the room. His power controls Clare in everything, where she had to be careful what she did that include her racial root. Nella Larsen has portrayed the power that men have and abuse it in their own household or even in the society in general. Even though Passing is a novel that surrounds the racial issues during the 1920s, the story still has a different approach to its theme. Rather than focusing on race, it focuses on the gender challenges in relationship, marriage, or even in society overall between men and women. Through the novel, Nella Larsen has showed the purposes of men and women in society where they support each other not abusing the power they had. She also proves the false beliefs that society has in their family, where men have to be in charge of their household.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Distillation Essay -- essays papers

Distillation Abstract This report outlines the steps taken to separate a 50:50 by volume ethanol and isopropanol side stream. The resulting separation must contain no more than 3% alcohol impurity in each product. A laboratory column, run at total reflux, was utilized to scale up to a forty foot high by one foot diameter column. The laboratory column allowed the team to determine vapor velocities and HETP values for the 0.24 inch Pro-Pakq packing. HETP is defined as the height of packing divided by the number of theoretical column stages. The column consisted of four main sections: packing, controls, a reboiler, and a condenser. To complete the vapor velocity vs. HETP relationship, the vapor velocity must be found. The vapor velocity was found using a system energy balance. The design vapor velocity was determined to be 4.85 ft/hr. However, this vapor velocity did not result in the column flooding; therefore the scaled-up column is not designed to its full potential. Ideally, distillation columns should be designed at 70-80% of the flooding velocity. The column HETP was found by use of the Fenske equation and was determined to be an average of 4.55 inches. As a result of the design parameters from the experimental column, the following design is proposed: the column will run at a vapor velocity of 4.85 ft/hr and will have a HETP of 4.30 inches. This will result in a packing height of 38.7 feet. The reboiler will have an area of 113.52 ft2 and the area of the condenser will have a value of 45.54 ft2 in which heat exchange will take place. Introduction A chemical plant spends approximately 50 to 90% of capital investment on separation equipment (1,1) Therefore, the ability to utilize a small laboratory column and to scale-up a column is an important skill for a chemical engineer. This report will outline the steps taken to design a packed distillation column. The column needs to separate a 50:50 mixture of ethanol and isopropanol into a distillate stream containing no more than 3 wt% isopropanol and a bottoms stream containing no more than 3 wt% ethanol. The design of the full-scale column was based on a laboratory simulation column. This column allowed the team to determine vapor velocities and HETP values for the 0.24 inch Pro-Pakq packing. Once the simulation vapor velocities are determined, they can ... .../hr)/*(1/0.0154 kmol/L)*(1/(p(.25)2ft2)*(0.0159 kmol/L) (p(1)2(ft)) = 6.857567 kmol/hr MWAVG,D = 46.493 kg/kmol VD = (6.857567 kmol/hr) * (46.493 kg/kmol) VD = 318.82886 kg/hr *Equation of Top Operating Line y = (L/V)x + (1-(L/V))xD = (RACT / RACT +1)x + (1/ RACT +1)(0.97) = 0.912779x + 0.084605 *Distillate Rate R = (V-D)/D = 10.4651 318.82886 (kg/hr) - D = 10.4651D D = 27.808642 (kg/hr) R = L/D = 10.4651 * 27.808642 (kg/hr) = L L = 291.02022 (kg/hr) *Bottoms Flow Rate L/V = R (z -xB) + q (xD - xB) R(z -xB) + q(xD-xB) -(xD-z) z= Feed mole fraction of ethanol q= 1 (feed assumes to be liquid) L/V = 10.4651(0.567-0.03) + 1(0.97-0.03) 10.4651(0.567-0.03) + 1(0.97-0.03) -(0.97-0.567) L/V = 1.05 L/V = (VB + 1)/ VB = 1.05 VB = 20 B = V/ VB = (318.82886 kg/hr)/20 = 15.941443 (kg/hr) *Feed Flow Rate F = D + B = 15.941443 (kg/hr) + 318.82886 (kg/hr) = 334.7703 kg/hr *Bottom Operating Line y = (L/V)x - ((L/V)-1) xB = 1.05x - 0.0015 * Condenser Heat Duty QCOND = V * DHVAP DHVAP = xETOH * DHVAP,ETOH + xISOP * DHVAP,ISOP QCOND =

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rebuttal of Bell Hooks’ Article, Straightening My Hair :: Rebuttal

Rebuttal of Bell Hooks’ Article, Straightening My Hair The article Straightening My Hair by Bell Hooks makes her argument of finding the reason of why African American women straighten their hair. She first states that Black Americans straighten their hair because it is the stage of transformation; it closes the door of innocence and opens the door to adulthood. Slowly, she starts changing her views. She comes up with the statement that African Americans do not straighten their hair for reasonable reasons, but to imitate the characteristics of white women. She informs that black people repeat this process because they have low self-acceptance of their roots and background, and that they have lost beauty in themselves. My argument against this statement is that it is erroneous to claim that the straightening of African American hair is misinterpreted as their acceptance into the white community; straightening of hair is the symbolism of impending womanhood, closing the door of innocence, and sharing a time to meditate by relaxing your sou l. â€Å"Hair pressing was a ritual of black women’s culture† (Hooks 534). She stated this earlier in the article and changed her views moving into the depths of the article. With her claiming this quote, it has already set the tone that black women express their maturity and symbolism of growing into adulthood by straightening their hair. Then all of a sudden she changes her views. This change does not show the credibility of the author. The audience view that her facts are not accurate and people begins to doubt in her claim. She set the theme of the article of expressing that straightening of black people hair is the denial of self acceptance in having the confidence of their individual features. She states â€Å"Heterosexual black women talked about the extent to which black men respond more favorably to women with straight or straighten hair† (Hooks 538). She explains how they try to please other people in trying to make themselves more beautiful to others they want to attract. This is a personal opinion. She makes a broad generalization that all black men are attracted to women that have straight hair. This statistic is not efficient because there are different men that are attracted to different styles. The majority of people do not change themselves because they want to appeal to others, but to make themselves feel better about their personal beauty. She states, â€Å"Individual preferences (whether rooted in self hate or not) cannot negate the reality that our collective obsession with straightening black hair reflects the psychology of oppression and the impact of racist colonization† (Hooks 540).

Friday, October 11, 2019

No definition of a miracle is adequate Essay

Many philosophers have attempted to define what exactly constitutes a miracle in a number of ways outlining definitions which contain the criteria for what phenomena can be counted as miraculous. Whether a definition is adequate seems highly subjective but will likely be one that is acceptable by non-Christians as well as Christians who in all probability will want a definition that accepts many of the miracle in the Bible to indeed be miraculous. Mackie’s definition of miracles describing them as events that occur when the world is not left alone and is intruded by something that is not part of the natural order necessitates that miracles are caused by a supernatural entity which may be considered to be God. This appears to suggest that his definition would indeed be adequate for some Christians given that it sets apart miracles from coincidences turning them into occurrences which could provide evidence for their faith. Moreover it allows a more specific idea of what constitutes a miracles disallowing events with an entirely naturalistic explanation maintaining them as unique events. However, Hick likely would criticise Mackie’s arguments for not be adequate given the ambiguity of what the natural order and the laws that govern it are. Hick suggested that laws were generalisations that are formed after events have happened, suggesting that that the natural order couldn’t be intruded upon. Also it may be that what is perceived to be an intrusion by something outside of the natural order is actually just a lack of understanding of the natural order on our part. This means that though an event such as the Moon Landing would have been defined as inadequate centuries ago, today it would not. This undermines the adequacy of the definition given that what it encompasses will change with time. A further issue with the adequacy of Mackie’s definition is that it could be argued to not be sufficiently specific given that it makes no attempt to define what exactly constitutes something distinct from the natural order, and it may in fact not be God. This would undermine its adequacy for Christians who believe that God is responsible for causing miracles and may not accept they are caused by other beings. Swinburne’s definition of a miracle appears to resolve this issue defining miracles as a violation of a law of nature by a god (a very powerful rational being who is not a material object). That said, the requirement for God to intervene in the world poses a number of challenges to Swinburne’s’ definition especially given that God’s need to intervene in his creation contradicts the idea that he is an all powerful being if the world requires changes. Additionally philosophers like Wiles would argue that if God has the ability to intervene in the world in order to perform miracles in certain instances then his failure to prevent evil and suffering in the world undermines his characteristic of omni-benevolence. For this reason a definition that requires God’s intervention to cause miracles may be inadequate given the contradictions that would occur if such an event happened. On the other hand, many Christians do accept that God intervenes in the world and if so this definition of miracles may indeed be adequate also determining whether God is responsible for an event may be impossible as it may just be due to limited understanding of events. Additionally, Swinburne’s definition is undermined by Hick’s challenge arguably even more so than Mackie’s given his explicit use of the term ‘natural laws’ and also would likely be subject to change as understanding changes. Holland’s definition of miracles appears to avoid the contractions associated with Swinburne and Mackie’s explanations not requiring the physical intervention of God suggesting from the outset that it may be more adequate. This is because Holland only requires miracles to be an extraordinary coincidence of a beneficial nature interpreted religiously. The emphasis on interpretation also removes the difficulties associated with determining the cause of the miracle while still encompassing Biblical miracles. However it would likely be criticised for being too subjective given that different people would differ on whether the same event is miraculous. Additionally the Catholic church which usually requires a person to have performed at least two miracles in order to be Canonized as a saint would likely not accept miracles as defined by Holland as they only accept events without naturalistic explanation suggesting the definition is inadequate for how the term miracle is used by some Christian denominations. In conclusion, it seems probable that no definition of miracles is adequate given that although Swinburne and Mackie’s definition of miracles may encompass many of the instances of how miracles are used, they are undermined by the difficulty in determining natural laws and also whether God physically intervened. Likewise while Holland goes some way to avoiding these contradictions in his definition it remains highly subjective and also doesn’t reflect how miracles are used in Christianity. Additionally it will likely also lead to significant differences between what people consider miracles. Moreover, the existence of so many contrasting definitions of miracles suggests that there isn’t a single definition that is adequate given that there is no consensus on what makes an event miraculous so any definition will be subject to significant disagreement. For this reason the statement that no definition of miracle is adequate can be considered to be true.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How much is John Proctor responsible for his own death Essay

â€Å"The Crucible† is set in 1692, in Salem, Massachusetts. It is written by Arthur Millar in the early 50’s. It follows the lives of a gang of teenage girls, meddling with witchcraft. Stifled by the crushing pity of their elders they end up doing strange things in the woods. The chief of the group of young ladies is a girl called Abigail Williams-her innocence lost in the bed f John Proctor, a married farmer who is the soul of the play. Suddenly the devil is let loose in Salem. The girls are discovered, spurred on by their terrified accusations and the entire village is consumed by cries of witchcraft. One by one, the blameless victims of mass hysteria are torn from their homes until, inexorably, Abigail’s vengeance is turned on Proctors wife. A timeless tale of truth on trial, the Crucible relentlessly a suspenseful drama of collective evil and personal conscience. It’s centre is a vastly moving story of guilt, love and redemption. Proctor is responsible for his own death in many ways, the main reason is infidelity in relation to Abby. The other contributing factors are morality, pride, religion, law and local grievances. This is the first time we see Proctor and Abby interact with each other, â€Å"Since Proctors entrance, Abigail has stood as though on tiptoe, absorbing his presence, wide eyed. He glanced at her then goes to Betty on the bed†(pg 17) We can tell the mood in the room instantly, Abby is stood there staring at him on tiptoes, indicating her need to attract him by making herself taller, as it is believed height is the figure of beauty. Where as Proctor is quite dismissive, and shows that he doesn’t want to be acknowledged by her by glancing at her and appearing quite cold and clinical. The issue of infidelity plays a major part in the lead up to Proctors death. As Abby is envious of Elizabeth and is also quite resentfully bitter towards her, regarding how Abby was thrown out of the household because of her entanglement with John. In this quotation Abby is clueing the audience in to her past affair with him, â€Å"I look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! I never knew what pretence Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons I was taught by all these Christian women and their covenanted men! And now you bid me tear the light out of my eyes? I will not, I cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! † For Proctor, we quickly realise their relationship belongs to the past-while he may still be attracted to her, he is desperately trying to put the incident behind him. Abby, on the other hand, has no such sense of closure as this quote makes clear. As she begs him to come back to her, her anger over flows, and we see the roots of what becomes her targeted, destructive romp through Salem. We also see in this quotation a fierce loathing of the entire town. â€Å"I never knew what pretense Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons†¦.. † Abigail hates Salem and in the course of â€Å"The Crucible†, she makes Salem pay. The adultery is a matter of morality, whether behaviour like this should be accepted in society or if it thought as on a negative note. Elizabeth finds out about it and time is needed to mend the relationship as the scab hasn’t not yet formed. Abby still has a flame for left for Proctor and is determined to win him over by accusing his wife of witchcraft, but Proctor gets in the middle of the feud and the tables turn and he, himself is accused of being in league with the devil. Another aspect of the build up to Proctors death is his pride. This is the human defence system coming into action, when we are threatened we feel we must create a certain image to gain respect and most of the time it works, the problem that Proctor faces is if he can sustain his pride. Proctor is a very honest, upright and bluntly spoken person and hates hypocrisy, he is also a good man, but one with a secret, his fatal flaw. In Act four, Proctor utters these lines when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself . â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave my name! † (pg 115) The judges and Hale have almost convinced him to sign his life over to them, but the last stumbling block is his signature on the confession, which he cannot bring himself to give. In a way this unwillingness reflects his desire not to dishonour his fellow prisoners: as he would not be able to live with himself knowing that other innocent people died while he quaked at deaths floor and fled. More importantly, it illustrates his obsession with his good name as reputation is tremendously important in Salem. Religion is another contributing factor to Proctors death, as Salem is quite sacramentally run . You are judged if you are not a follower of the faith, which today would be frowned at. Pride and religion link together as; if Proctor didn’t have as much self-esteem, would he be civil to the clergy men and have an advantage in the situation? It would be deceitful yet it would help in this predicament, the only person who seemed to be on Proctors side of the court was Reverend John Hale. He was a stranger to the town and did not know of Proctors resilient character, and so he thought Proctor was in need of help and is on his side. Proctor: â€Å"There be no love for Satan in this house, Mister. â€Å"(pg 55) Hale: â€Å"I pray it, I pray it dearly. (he looks to both of them, an attempt at a smile on his face) Well, then-I’ll bid you good night. † By saying this it indicates that Hale understands Proctor’s problems, which is the accusation that Proctors household is in league with Satan. The law plays a big part in the lead up to Proctors death, as they have the authority to choose what the morally correct verdict is on the case. Law is linked in with religion as members of the clergy are judges, which shouldn’t really happen as they are biased on their answers due to religious beliefs. Parris is the main distributor of opinions, and always has a word to say on the matter. He seems to bring his religion up on quite a few occasions, as that is his speciality and strength so he knows he can out smart Proctor by discussing this. â€Å"Such a Christian that will not come to church but once in a month! â€Å"(pg 72) he is trying to imply that Proctor is a bad person which is prominently a disadvantage on Proctors name, which is an underserved judgement. Overall, â€Å"The Crucible† is quite a deep and meaningful play, even though the play itself has very few examples of symbolism beyond the typical witchcraft symbols (rats, toads, bats etc) the entire play is meant to be symbols with witch trials standing in for the anti-communists â€Å"witch hunts† of the 1950’s. Proctor is the protagonist, one of the chief contenders where as Abby is the antagonist, his opponent. I think the main issue that lead to his death was in the name of Abigail Williams. If Proctor didn’t get involved with Abby, then the finger wouldn’t have been pointed at him and his wife, it would have been directed at someone else perhaps even Parris, her own blood and flesh. Abigail strikes me as a very misleading character, at the start I got the impression she was just a girl who had made a mistake and was sorry for it, but as the play unfolded her character had a dark, malicious side it to it that was sharp and uneasy. The tone of the play is quite serious and compressed, as the language is almost quite biblical. The way they use â€Å"goody† for the name of their women and â€Å"mister† for their men is unusual and creates a flavour of period. It gives a sense that church dominates their lives. Proctor decided to die for Salem, in doing so he had finally purged his guilt, his wife said.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal courage when he defends black man Tom Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face with the rabbid dog. This displays phisical courage because wasn’t afraid of his phisical body being hurt by the crazy dog. Jem Finch showed personal and phisical courage when he went back to get his pants from the Radley place. This displayed personal and phisical courage because even though Mr. Radley said he would shoot the next peron that steps foot on his yard he still went back to get it. This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The personal courage in this is the reason he went back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father and its a point in the book where we notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental courage when he goes back and fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry with her for talking that way about his father yet he did the right thing and fixed her flowers. Scout Finch showed phisical courage when she faught Jem. This displays phiscal courage because she knew Jem was bigger older and stronger yet she still faught him and wasnt afraid of getting hurt.Scout showed personal courage when she walked away from a fight with Cicil Jacobs. This didplays personal courage because she was young and thought fight was the only way to solve a problem but she listened to her father by not fighting him. Lastly Scout showed mental courage when she was rolled into the Radley yard (by accedent) by Jem in the tire. This shows mental courage because she wasnt afraid in the Radley yard she was more conserned about herself at that point but she was in the Radley yard un afraid.