Thursday, October 17, 2019

Report 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Report 3 - Assignment Example We will make sure that all our ads will comply with the Chilean laws (Shaver and Soontae 67). The ads will be in English targeting the right group to use smoke detectors in their home; however, I would prefer using Spanish because most of Chilean speaks it. Most of our advertising budget will go the Television whereby we will want to increase the number of times a commercial will be aired per week. Therefore, allocating much of the budget to television is because it is the most effective medium for advertisement and will be $1,750,000 per year (Warc n. pag). The viewers cannot ignore an advert that comes as they watch a program they love, thus making it more effective (Shaver and Soontae 71). Our commercial will be aired in one major television station, which is Channel 4. The commercial will be aired in the evening hours, mostly when the news is ready in order to target the more mature customers twice a week. The television advert emotionally highlights the importance of having a smoke detector in the house, with fireman ready to come to the rescue. It will highlight the catastrophe fire can cause if a house does not have a smoke detector and the losses one can get. The commercial will finally show how a person with the burned house i s going to our store to buy a smoke detector and goes home happy. Our team also discussed using the most listened radio stations in Chile by the targeted consumers with a budget of $200,000 annually. After doing a statistical analysis on the most listened national radio stations, we decided that we would advertise with RCN La FM. It is the most listened radio stations by mature people who the major targets of our product. The advert will be aired on the morning hours while people are going to work in the La  ½ Maná ½ °ná ½ °. The advert will be aired three times a week. In Santiago alone, 97% of the population listens to a radio station. The radio commercial

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