Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Philosophy of Film - 1177 Words

The philosophy of film is a quickly developing area of philosophical and aesthetic research. Philosophers have focused both on stylish issues about film as a creative medium - the theory of film - and addresses about the philosophical substance of films — films as philosophy. Thomas E. Wartenberg (Professor of philosophy at Mount Holyoke College) did a great job in showing when a film illustrates a philosophic claim and how â€Å"The Matrix† make contribution to philosophy. In this paper, I will look at another film, â€Å"Blade Runner†, to see the connection between philosophy and film, then discuss the question: Are the Replicants human? Wartenberg addressed the question: â€Å"Can philosophy be screened?† (pg. 272) He then used thought experiment as a way that a film can represent philosophy. So what is â€Å"thought experiment†? Thought examinations include nonexistent situations in which the audience are asked to envision what things might be similar to if such-and-such were the situation. The individuals who feel that movies can really do philosophy show that fiction films can work as philosophical thought experiments and consequently qualify as philosophical. Wartenberg argues that it some fiction films as working in ways that thought experiments do, and thus they may be seen as doing philosophy. (pg. 276) He uses Wachowski Brothers’ 1999 hit, â€Å"The Matrix† as his example. The film addresses part of a big philosophical question, which is â€Å"what is reality?† What we see on screen is aShow MoreRelatedCase Study : 711 Philosophy And Film 2809 Words   |  12 Pages Jimmy Chung 500 415 174 MHR 711 Philosophy and Film First Film Analysis David Ciavatta March 20, 2015 When an employee is injured on the job the first thing that needs to be done is that the employee should first and foremost get medical attention. Since the worker suffered such a traumatic injury, it is imperative that the employer first check on the employee to check on the severity of the injury and upon assessment by a trained employee, either the correct medical procedureRead MoreMulan Essay943 Words   |  4 PagesThe film Mulan is set in ancient China, in an undefined dynasty. The Huns have penetrated the Great Wall and have invaded China. The emperor orders that new soldiers be drafted. 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